for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Archive for February, 2014

Kosher slaughter

last tuesday midday (25th february), 12.30-12.55pm on bbc radio 2:
vanessa feltz (standing in for jeremy vine) on denmark’s ban of halal and kosher meat, including a report by malcolm brabant and interviews with brent holst of the danish animal ethics council and kamran iqbal of the danish halal federation (more…)

The Producers (2005)

tomorrow night (saturday 1st), 10.30pm-12.35 on bbc 2:
the producers (2005 remake)

The Book Thief

tomorrow evening (saturday 1st), 7.15-7.45pm on bbc radio 4:
saturday review chaired by tom sutcliffe includes discussion of the book thief (more…)

Marty Feldman

last monday evening (24th february), 10.00-11.00pm on bbc radio 2:
barbara windsor’s east end men: marty feldman (more…)

The Book Thief

this evening (tuesday 25th), 7.15-7.22pm on bbc radio 4:
front row includes novelist Meg Rosoff reviewing the film of the book thief (more…)

Propaganda piece on Channel 4 News

last tuesday evening (18th february), 7.00pm channel 4 news on channel 4:
propaganda piece presented as news, by award-winning channel 4 journalist jonathan miller: abdel karim – the boy from gaza who never smiles:
jonathan miller was sent to investigate the poor state of the gaza health service, and the thousands of gazan children being treated free in israeli hospitals,
but somehow managed only to report that one boy’s free treatment was delayed (without apparent harm to him) because the unreasonable israelis objected to him being accompanied by suspected terrorists

(jonathan miller of course also makes unsubstantiated uninvestigated claims: of other similar cases, and of import of medical radioactive source material being forbidden by the israelis)
(if you missed it, available at…)

this is the same award-winning jonathan miller who, the day before, felt it appropriate to present a report entitled Gaza’s paralysis: the story of Arab Dola whose sole purpose was to compare gaza under israel with a quadraplegic who could not move below the neck, and needed everything to be done for him, including even “toilet” functions

(05:58) “Gaza’s quadraplegic ‘Bruce Lee’ lies rasping for breath, a metaphor for his crippled unrecognised nation.”

(if you missed it, available at…)
for israeli medical assistance to gaza see also and and generally


Forgiveness: Julia Neuberger

wednesday evening (26th february), 10.45-11.00pm on bbc radio 3:
julia neuberger on forgiveness (episode 3 of 5, monday to friday, in the essay series: this week’s other essayists on forgiveness are monday: madeleine bunting, tuesday: mark vernon, thursday: david starkey, and friday: michael symmons roberts

“Five people on what Forgiveness is, what it isn’t, and how you do it.
Baroness Julia Neuberger: ‘It’s not a case of Jews equal stern justice, Christians gentle love. We just don’t see how vicarious forgiveness makes sense.’.” (more…)

David Grossman

last friday evening (21st february), 7.32-7.45pm on bbc radio 4:
front row includes tom sutcliffe interviewing award winning writer david grossman about falling out of time. (more…)

Yotam Ottolenghi and Eva Schloss

tomorrow morning (saturday 21st), 9.00-10.00am on bbc radio 4:
saturday live includes studio guests yotam ottolenghi and eva schloss (more…)

HARDtalk: Saeb Erekat

yesterday morning (wednesday 19th), 12.30-1.00am on bbc news tv:
stephen sackur interviews veteran palestinian negotiator saeb erekat (in the hardtalk series)

“What must it be like to have been at the centre of the seemingly endless and fruitless quest for an Israeli-Palestinian peace deal for more than two decades? And is there any reason for expectations to rise as US Secretary of State John Kerry prepares to publish his own outline for a deal?
Are we approaching a defining moment or a dead end?”

includes (09:25) saeb erekat‘s extraordinary claim that palestinians are descended from the canaanites and the *natufians (and not from the ishmaelites) …

“My narrative is that I’m the son of Jericho, I’m the proud son of Jericho: my home town this year is ten thousand years old.
The *Natufians built this town, I’m their ancestor [descendant], I’m their grandchild. I’m the grandchild of the Canaanites, it’s my narrative, it’s my story, it’s my history, it’s my religion.
I was here thousands of year before Joshua ben Nun came and burnt my home town town Jericho. So why should I say Israel is the homeland of the Jewish people?”

(if you missed it, available at…)
(* wikipedia: “The Natufian culture was an Epipaleolithic culture that existed from 13,000 to 9,800 B.C. in the Levant, a region in the Eastern Mediterranean.”)

a comprehensive review of erekat‘s “palestinian narrative” can be read at, including …

The imaginary link between the Canaanites and the Palestinians as supposed proof of a stronger, more legitimate Palestinian claim to the land has been inculcated in classrooms by way of PA-issued textbooks. Ido Mizrahi, a government official in the Strategic Affairs Ministry who has investigated Palestinian incitement, found that children from second grade until high school in the West Bank and Gaza are taught that the Canaanites were Arabs.
“The Canaanite Arabs were the first to live in Palestine,” reads a second-grade textbook in the Palestinian school system. The goal of the lesson is clearly stated. “It is for the student to create a linkage between the land of Palestine and the Canaanite people that lived there.”
In an educational textbook used by seventh grade students, children are taught that “the Canaanite Palestinians are those who invented the ancient alphabet“.

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