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Posts tagged ‘George Weidenfeld’

Tftd: Jonathan Sacks

this morning (friday 26th), 7.47-7.50am, on bbc radio 4
thought for the day, by rabbi lord jonathan sacks

“But while we can, let’s live the life of the spirit to the full. We are as young as our ideals.”


Tftd: Angela Tilby

last thursday morning (23rd july), 7.48-7.51am, on bbc radio 4
thought for the day with canon angela tilby

“Last week. 150 Christian refugees from Syria were flown to Poland to start a new life. They owe their deliverance to Lord Weidenfeld … He hopes to rescue up to 10,000 people using Jewish money and Christian effort on the ground. George Weidenfeld knows what rescue means: at age 19, he fled the Nazis in Vienna …”


George Weidenfeld

tomorrow morning (wednesday 10th), 9.30-9.45am, on bbc radio 4
george weidenfeld (episode 3 of 5 in the publishing lives series) (repeated from 3rd october 2013) (more…)

George Weidenfeld

tomorrow afternoon (thursday 3rd), 1.45-2.00pm, on bbc radio 4:
Publishing Lives (episode 4 of 5): George Weidenfeld (more…)


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