for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘Bola Mosuro’

Nd/T: Lebanon rockets

yesterday morning (friday 7th), 5.19-5.23am, 6.07-6.11am, and 7.33-7.38am, on bbc world service radio, and 6.36-6.39am, 7.02-7.03am, 7.09-7.15am, 7.52-7.57am, and 8.03-8.04am, on bbc radio 4 

newsday (presented by bola mosure and lukwesa burak) and today (presented by martha kearney and nick robinson) include …

Israel’s military has shot missiles into the Gaza Strip and southern Lebanon in what it says are in retaliation to rocket attacks by Hamas, which themselves were prompted by Israeli police twice raiding and violently ejecting worshippers from Al-Aqsa mosque in Jerusalem this week.”

including contributions from …

• journalist abbie cheeseman

gil hoffman, honest reporting 

• bbc reporter lucy williamson

• bbc reporter yolande knell 

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen 

• journalist rami khouri


Nd/T/Nh: Israeli protests

this morning (friday 10th), 5.19-5.24am and 6.11-6.17am (repeated 7.11am, and 2.20pm on newshour), on bbc world service radio, and 8.45-8.50am on bbc radio 4 

newsday (presented by bola mosuro and james copnall) and today (presented by justin webb and amol rajan) include …

Protestors in Israel succeeded in locking down Tel Aviv and other areas yesterday, even blocking Prime Minister Netanyahu’s access to the airport, but can they also force the right-wing government to make a U-turn over judicial reforms?”

including contributions from …

• activist yishai hadas 

• bbc reporter tom bateman

(see also


Nd: Lost Yiddish songs

this morning (friday 3rd), 5.24-5.28am (repeated 6.23am), on bbc world service radio 

newsday (presented by bola mosuro) includes …

The search for Yiddish songs banned by Soviet regime, now uncovered in Uzbekistan and Kazakhstan.”

including contributions from …

• singer andf violinst alice zawadksi

• professor anna shternshis 


Nd/T/GNP: Gaza and Jenin

BBC bias: BBC presenter Bola Mosuro uses “Zionist” to mean “Israeli” (referring to an Israeli consulate as “the Zionist headquarters in New York.”)

this morning (friday 27th), 5.12-5.18am, 6.18-6.23am, 6.42-6.46am, 7.06-7.12am, and 7.33-7.43am, on bbc world service radio, and 8.04-8.05am on bbc radio 4 (partly repeated on global news podcast

newsday (presented by bola mosuro and james copnall) leads with, and today (presented by justin webb) includes …

“We talk about the deadliest raid on the occupied West Bank for years – and increasing tensions between Israel and Palestine.”

More Israeli attacks – this time on Gaza and an alleged Hamas rocket factory – following its deadly raid yesterday which killed nine Palestinians; we hear from a Palestinian doctor who treated some of the victims, plus a former Israeli politician who says Israel has no choice but to defend itself.”

including contributions from …

• former mk michal cotler-wunsh 

• doctor anham dera 

• bbc reporter tom bateman 

• taxi-driver mohammed amouri 

• bbc reporter yolande knell 

• palestinian activist nour odeh 

• analyst aaron david miller 


Nd/Today: New government

this morning (thursday 29th), 6.10-6.16am and 7.16-7.22am on bbc world service radio, and 6.38-6.42am and 8.06-8.07am on bbc radio 4 

newsday (presented by bola mosuro) and today (presented by nick robinson and justin webb) include …

Israel gets a new government this morning.

It may be led by a familiar figure, former prime minister Benjamin Ntanyahu is coming back, but it is an unusual coalition, a coalition made up, some of its critics say, by the most religious and hard-line parties in Israel’s history.”

including contributions from … 

• journalist neri zilber 

• bbc reporter yolande knell 


Nd/Today: Ben Gvir appointed

this morning (friday 25th), 6.16-6.19am on bbc world service radio, and 8.04-8.05am on bbc radio 4 

newsday (presented by bola mosuro) and today (presented by mishal husain and martha kearney) include …

“The conservative Likud party signed its first coalition deal with the far-right Jewish Power party.

The agreement gives ultra-nationalist Itamar Ben Gvir the position as minister of national security, which includes control of the police ministry.”

including interview with …

• journalist gil hoffman, honest reporting 

(see also )


Nd: Lebanon/Israel deal

this morning (friday 28th), 6.38-6.42am, on bbc world service radio 

newsday (presented by bola mosuro and james copnall) includes …

“The United States has successfully brokered a maritime border agreement between Beirut and Jerusalem.”

including interview with …

• analyst hanin ghaddar, author, hezbollahland: mapping dahiya and lebanon’s shia community

(see also and


Nd/Today: Biden in Israel 2

this morning (friday 15th), 6.17-6.22am, 7.12-7.16am, and 7.55-7.59am, on bbc world service radio (and between 5.30am and 5.59am but not available online), and 6.37-6.40am, 7.22-7.27am, and 8.07-8.08am, on bbc radio 4 

newsday (presented by james copnall and bola mosuro) and today (presented by simon jack and katie razall) include …

“President Joe Biden continues his tour of the Middle East where he’ll be meeting Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas, before heading to Saudi Arabia where he’ll have to navigate several difficult foreign policy issues.”

including contributions from …

• former diplomat brett bruen 

ellie geranmayeh, european council on foreign relations

• palestinian activist issa amro 

• bbc reporter tom bateman 

mustafa barghouti

tony abu akleh 

• bbc reporter yolande knell 


Nd/Today: Abu Akleh funeral

this morning (friday 13th), 5.11-5.15am, 6.06-6.11am, and 7.37-7.41am, on bbc world service radio, and 8.42-8.44am on bbc radio 4 

newsday (presented by bola mosuro and james copnall) and today (presented by justin webb) include …

In a few hours, the funeral will take place of Palestinian-American journalist Shireen Abu Akleh. The well-known Al Jazeera reporter was shot on Wednesday as she was covering a raid by Israeli forces.

Her funeral will take place in Jerusalem, and will include a procession through the Old City. The proceedings will likely bring further tension to the city, where there have been violent clashes for several weeks.”

including contributions from …

• analyst arieh kovler 

omar shakir, human rights watch 

• bbc reporter tom bateman 


Nd: Firing zone

BBC bias: BBC presenter Bola Mosuro presents a completely one-sided view of West Bank eviction proceedings, interviewing a pro-Palestinian lecturer at length, but neither interviewing nor quoting anyone on behalf of the Israelis.

BBC bias: BBC presenter Bola Mosuro spends several minutes on a possible future eviction, and no time on a triply fatal axe attack in Israel.

BBC bias: BBC presenter Bola Mosuro mentions neither the Israeli case that the Palestinians moved in after the firing zone was declared, nor the evidence which proved that case (historic aerial photographs from both sides).

(see judgment at

this morning (friday 6th), 6.43-6.47am, on bbc world service radio 

newsday (presented by james copnall) includes …

“Now we hear about the one thousand Palestinians who look set to be evicted from their homes in an area in the southern occupied West Bank, after Israel’s Supreme Court rejected an appeal filed by Palestinian villagers against their land being declared a so-called firing zone to be used for training exercises by the Israeli military.

Meanwhile, three people were killed and others wounded in what the Israelis say is a suspected terror attack in the central Israeli city of Elad.”

including interview with …

• lecturer yair wallach, soas

(see also


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