for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘Rashida Tlaib’

Nh/OS: Gaza 28/2/2024

this afternoon (wednesday 28th), 2.20-2.29pm, 4.31pm, 5.06-5.12pm, and 5.18-5.22pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by james menendez) and bbc os (presented by krupa padhy) include …

“The humantiarian situation inside Gaza.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter fergal keane

• analyst sarada peri

• bbc reporter john sudworth

• poet batool abu akleen 18, gaza

• bbc reporter paul adams


Nh/NS/Twtw: Coalition possible

this afternoon (sunday 30th), 1.06-1.14pm on bbc world service radio (partly repeated from thursday 27th on bbc news tv), and 12.03-12.04pm and 1.03-1.04pm on bbc radio 4 

newshour (presented by james menendez) leads with, and news summary and the world this weekend (presented by jonny dymond) include …

Last-minute talks are continuing to see if Israel’s main opposition leader Yair Lapid can form a new government before Wednesday’s deadline.”

including contributions from … 

• journalist anshel pfeffer 

• bbc reporter laura trevelyan 

• activist kefah abukhdeir, democrats abroad 

• jerusalem councillor laura wharton 

marc zell, republicans overseas israel

• bbc reporter sebastian usher 


Nh: Gaza, day 13

this afternoon (saturday 22nd), 1.06-1.19pm and 1.51-1.56pm (repeated 9.37pm), and 9.36-9.37pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by julian worricker) leads with …

“UN officials say Gaza will take years to recover.”

including contributions from … 

tom bateman 

• activist nour odeh 

• journalist emily schrader 

• bbc reporter barbara plett-usher 

lynn hastings, un deputy special coordinator 


Nh/Twt: Gaza, day 12

yesterday evening (friday 21st), 9.06-9.19pm and 9.36-9.45pm on bbc world service radio, and 10.03-10.04pm, 10.08-10.22pm, and 10.42-10.45pm, on bbc radio 4 

newshour (presented by manuela saragosa) and the world tonight (presented by james coomarasamy) lead with …

Israel and Hamas claim victory after truce.”

“The UN has delivered humanitarian aid to Gaza.”

including contributions from … 

• bbc reporter tom bateman 

uri dromi 

• gaza resident bassam nasser 

• bbc reporter barbara plett-usher 

• professor reuven hazan 

• bbc reporter sebastian usher 

matthias schmale, unrwa director of operations, gaza 


Nn: It’s Israel’s fault

BBC bias: BBC presenter Emily Maitlis persistently challenges an Israeli army spokesman (but no lawyer or politician) on points of politics and non-military law

yesterday evening (wednesday 12th), 10.46-11.16pm, on bbc 2 tv  

newsnight (presented by emily maitlis) includes …

How did we get here? Though the focus is now on Gaza and southern Israel, it was events in Jerusalem that led to what we’re seeing now.”

including contributions from … 

• bbc reporter aleem maqbool

mustafa barghouti 

• lt col jonathan conricus

• un deputy special coordinator lynn hastings

• congresswoman rashida tlaib 

haile sofer, ceo, jewish democratic council of america


TRS: Biden & Israel?

this morning (friday 4th), 10.06-10.59am (repeated 12.06am), on bbc world service radio 

is biden facing a new middle east? (in the the real story series) (presented by ritula shah

including discussion with …

• journalist yaakov katz, author of shadow strike

azadeh moaveni, author of guest house for young widows 

• journalist joyce karam 

• congressman tom malinowski 

• congressman andy levin 

“The assassination of the Iranian nuclear scientist Mohsen Fakhrizadeh appears to have made life more difficult for President-elect Biden – yet another event to weigh up as he considers what to do about Donald Trump’s legacy across the Middle East.


6ocn: Tlaib unbanned

this evening (friday 16th), 6.11-6.12pm (repeated 12.12am on midnight news), on bbc radio 4 

six o’clock news (presented by neal sleat) includes …

“The US congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has said she won’t visit the occupied West Bank despite Israel reversing its decision to ban her. The Democratic congresswoman, who’s of Palestinian descent, said she could not agree to what she called ‘Israel’s oppressive conditions’.” 

including reports from …

• bbc reporter yolande knell


B100d: Omar & Tlaib banned

this evening (thursday 15th), 7.00-7.08pm, on bbc news tv 

beyond 100 days (presented by katty kay and david eades) leads with …

Donald Trump urges Israel to bar two American congresswomen, and Israel does what the President wants.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter tom bateman 

• bbc reporter chris buckler 


Nh/Twt: Omar & Tlaib banned

this evening (thursday 15th), 9.06-9.15pm on bbc world service radio, and 10.03-10.04pm and 10.07-10.16pm on bbc radio 4 

newshour (presented by julian marshall) and the world tonight (presented by paul henley) both lead with …

Israel will deny entry to two US Congresswomen, Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, who are prominent critics of the Israeli government.”

“They were apparently happy with plans for the visit until President Trump told them they shouldn’t be.”

including contributions from …

hanan ashrawi 

yaakov katz, editor, jerusalem post

• bbc reporter tom bateman 

journalist barak ravid

• republican congressman mo brooks 


W@1: Congress anti-semitism

this afternoon (monday 4th), 1.25-1.30pm, on bbc radio 4 (repeated tuesday 5th, 9.12-9.18pm, on newshour on bbc world service radio)
world at one (presented by sarah montague) includes …

“Labour isn’t the only left-of-centre political party having to weather accusations of anti-semitism at the moment. In the United States, Democrats are having to counter claims that the leftward shift of their party is leading to anti-semitic attitudes among some of their new members of Congress.

including contributions from …
• journalist jonathan weisman, new york times
deborah lipstadt
• arab-israeli yousef munayyer, executive director, us campaign for palestinian rights
halie soifer, jewish democratic council of america


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