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Posts tagged ‘Newscast’

Nc: Labour antisemitism 30/5/2024

this evening (thursday 30th), 7.43-7.50pm, on bbc 1 tv

electioncast (in the newscast series) (presented by adam fleming, with chris mason and laura kuenssberg and jo coburn) includes …

“… also look at the ongoing row within Labour about Diane Abbott.”


Nc: Gaza 12/5/2024

last sunday (12th may), podcast (5 minutes), on bbc news radio 

newscast (presented by laura kuenssberg and paddy oconnell) includes …

“Israel expands its military operation in Rafah.”

including contributions from …

david cameron

jonathan ashworth mp


Nc: Gaza 7/5/2024

last tuesday afternoon (7th may), podcast (17 minutes), on bbc news radio 

newscast (presented by adam fleming) includes …

“Could Israel & Hamas agree a ceasefire?

On Monday, Hamas agreed to terms put forward by Egyptian and Qatari mediators, but Israel has rejected them, with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu saying they are far from meeting Israel’s ‘core demands’.

Meanwhile, the Israel Defence Force has taken control of the Gaza side of the Rafah crossing, a vital entry point for aid.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter lyse doucet

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen


Nc: Gaza/Labour 5/5/2024

last sunday evening (5th may), podcast (2 minutes), on bbc news radio 

newscast (presented by laura kuenssberg and paddy oconnell) includes …

“We also hear from the newly re-elected Labour mayor for West Yorkshire, • Tracy Brabin, who admits her party lost votes because of its stance on Gaza.”


Nc: West Bank 2/5/2024

yesterday (thursday 2nd), podcast (15 minutes), on bbc news radio 

newscast (presented by adam fleming) concludes with …

“As violence in the West Bank escalates, the BBC have found evidence of potential breaches of international law by the Israeli military, including the death of an eight-year-old boy.

The IDF say the circumstances of the death are ‘under review’.”

including contributions from …

isobel yeung, foreign correspondent, producer, the other war

joshua baker, investigator writer and director, the other war

baha samer al-ghoul 14, brother of adam 8, and friend of basil abu al-waf 15, jenin


Nc: Gaza/USA 27/4/2024

yesterday (saturday 27th), podcast (18 minutes), on bbc news radio 

could british troops be sent to gaza? (in the newscast series) (presented by laura kuenssberg, with paddy o’connell)

“Diplomatic correspondent James Landale talks to Paddy and Laura about why Britain is considering working in tandem with the United States to deliver aid from a new sea route – and what problems it could throw up for the administration before the next election.”

“And there’s been a week of widespread American student protests against Israel’s military campaign in Gaza. Nancy Pelosi has urged protestors to direct their anger to Hamas, as well as Israel.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter james landale

sarah, palestinian-american, columbia

• former speaker nancy pelosi


Nc: Gaza/UK 20/4/2024

last saturday (20th april), podcast (14 minutes), on bbc news radio 

met police apologises for ‘openly jewish’ comment (in the newscast series) (presented by laura kuenssberg, with paddy o’connell)

“Today we look at the apologies made by the Metropolitan Police after threatening to arrest an anti-Semitism charity leader for being near a pro-Palestine march.

Gideon Falter, the Campaign Against Antisemitism chief executive, was told by police his presence was causing a ‘breach of peace’, in a video posted online.”

including interview with …

• former inspector of constabulary and fire and rescue zoe billingham


Nc: Gaza/Iran 19/4/2024

yesterday (friday 19th), podcast (9 minutes), on bbc news radio 

(de?)escalation in the middle east (in the newscast series) (presented by adam fleming, with james landale) leads with …

US calls for calm between Israel and Iran.

Today, we look at the mystery surrounding an apparent Israeli strike on Iran.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter jessica parker

antony blinken


Nc: Gaza/Iran 14/4/2024

today (sunday 14th), podcast (28 minutes), on bbc news radio 

iran attacks israel: how will the world respond? (in the newscast series) (presented by laura kuenssberg and paddy o’connell, with jeremy bowen) leads with …

Israel says the confrontation is ‘not over yet’.

More than 300 drones and missiles were fired but nearly all were shot down, according to Israel.”

including contributions from …

• lt col peter lerner, idf spokesman 

victoria atkins mp

• former diplomat tom fletcher, author, the naked dimplomat


Nc: Gaza/Iran 11/4/2024

yesterday (thursday 11th), podcast (13 minutes), on bbc news radio 

could iran attack israel? and can biden stop it? (in the newscast series) (presented by adam fleming and lyse doucet, with analyst kenneth katzman) leads with …

“We look at President Joe Biden’s warning that Iran is threatening to launch a ‘significant attack’ on Israel.

Tensions have risen following what is believed to be an Israeli attack on an embassy in Syria, which killed senior Iranians.

America has promised ‘ironclad’ support for Israel.

Will this be enough to deter the Iranian leader, Ayatollah Khamenei, or are we about to see the US enter into another conflict in the Middle East?”


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