for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

T: Gaza/Iran 16/4/2024

this morning (tuesday 16th), 6.02-6.03am, 6.08–6.09am, 6.35-6.38am, 6.41-6.42am, 6.44-6.48am, 7.03-7.04am, 7.14-7.18am, 7.-7.57am, and 8.05-8.06am, on bbc radio 4,

today (presented by nick robinson and mishal husain) includes …

The prime minister plans to speak to Benjamin Netanyahu today, to convey in person the UK’s desire for Israel to show restraint in the face of Iran’s drone and missile barrage.

Meanwhile, fighting in Gaza continues, and in the occupied West Bank, more Palestinians, including a teenager, have been killed by Israeli settlers.

Last weekend, the body of a fourteen-year-old settler was found.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter yolande knell

• bbc reporter sean curran

rishi sunak mp

keir starmer mp

ed davey mp

mhairi black mp

suella braverman mp 

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen

• diplomat john sawers

(if you missed it, available from 0:02:42 to 0:03:45, 0:08:08 to 0:09:00, 0:35:42 to 0:38:50, 0:41:31 to 0:42:30, 0:44:12 to 0:48:40, 1:03:11 to 1:04:30, 1:14:27 to 1:18:00, 1:50:16 to 1:57:30, and 2:04:51 to 2:06:10, at

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