for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

T: Gaza/Syria 29/3/2024

this morning (friday 29th), 6.03-6.04am, 6.09am, 6.33-6.36am, 7.03-7.04am, 7.13-7.20am, 8.03-8.05am, and 8.10-8.23am, on bbc radio 4 

today (presented by mishal husain and martha kearney) includes …

“As Good Friday services take place on this day of remembrance for the suffering of Christ as he was put to death through torture, there will also be prayers for those struggling and suffering today, perhaps especially in the Holy Land: bereaved Palestinians and Israelis, the families of hostages, those living amid war in Gaza, and under occupation in the West Bank and East Jerusalem. ”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter yolande knell

• international prosecutor geoffrey nice kc

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen

• canon richard sewell, dean, st george’s, jerusalem

(if you missed it, available from 0:03:29 to 0:04:40, 0:09:10 to 0:09:30, 0:33:01 to 0:36:00, 1:03:18 to 1:04:45, 1:12:58 to 1:20:30, 2:03:15 to 2:05:00, and 2:10:09 to 2:23:30, at

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