for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

PL: Yiddish schools

this morning (sunday 12th), 10.19-10.28am, on bbc 2 tv 

politics live (presented by samantha simmonds) concludes with …

Stamford Hill in North London is home to Europes’s largest Hasidic Jewish community. of around thirty thousand.

Thousands of local boys are taught in strictly orthodox schools.

They’re often taught primarily in Yiddish, in both Hasidic primaries and full-time religious schools.

There are apparently some concerns that a small proportion of boys attend unregistered schools, and leave unable to read or write English.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter helen drew 

• rabbi jonathan wittenberg 

joel friedman, pinter trust 

• mayor philip glanville 

sarah olney mp

emma best lam 

(see also

(if you missed it, available from 0:18:55 to 0:28:30 at

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