for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘Zanuta’

Nh/OS: Gaza 15/3/2024

yesterday afternoon (friday 15th), 2.36-2.49pm, 4.57-4.58pm, 5.31pm, 5.45-5.47pm, and 9.20-9.24pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by james menendez and julian marshall) and bbc os (presented by lukwesa burak) include …

Chuck Schumer is the Senate majority leader, one of the most senior politicians in the United States.

He’s a Democrat, he’s also America’s highest-ranking Jewish politician.

And he’s been a staunch ally of Israel for decades.

Which is why, when he criticised the Israeli government, and in particular the leadership of prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu, his words matter.

On Thursday, he said the US shouldn’t continue to support a leadership that rejected the two-state solution, that Mr Netanyahu was an obstacle to peace, and he called for fresh elections.”

including contributions from …

• senator chuck schumer

boaz bismuth mk

• bbc reporter lucy williamson 

• sanctioned settler yinon levy

fares samamri, zanuta

zvi sukkot mk

• activist yehuda shaul

shaina oppenheimer, bbc monitoring 

• bbc reporter mark lowen

(see also and


Nd: Gaza 15/3/2024

this morning (friday 15th), 5.11-5.15am, 5.30-5.31am, 6.06-6.12am, 6.48-6.53am, 7.13-7.19am, and 7.30am, on bbc world service radio 

newsday (presented by victoria uwonkunda and james copnall) includes …

“With efforts underway to increase the flow of aid into northern Gaza, questions remain about how it can be distributed in a territory with little functioning civil authority, and occupied by the Israeli military.

Australia says it will resume funding UNRWA.

The authorities in Gaza say that Israeli forces have opened fire on people gathering to receive aid; the military has denied the reports.”

including contributions from …

• historian danny orbach

leo kanz, medecins sans frontieres

• bbc reporter lucy williamson 

• sanctioned settler yinon levy

fares samamri, zanuta

zvi sukkot mk

• activist yehuda shaul

• bbc reporter anna foster


6ocn/Twt: Gaza 14/3/2024

yesterday evening (thursday 14th), 6.06-6.08pm and 10.07-10.19pm, on bbc radio 4 

six o’clock news and the world tonight (presented by nuala mcgovern) include …

Tower Hamlets council in East London is to remove all Palestinian flags from its property.”

“Leading US Democratic Senator Chuck Schumer calls for elections in Israel.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter frances read

• tower hamlets councillor peter golds

• tower hamlets councillor ajmal masra

• us special envoy frank lowenstein 

• bbc reporter lucy williamson 

• sanctioned settler yinon levy

fares samamri, zanuta

zvi sukkot mk

• activist yehuda shaul


Nh/OS: Gaza 14/3/2024

this afternoon (thurday 14th), 2.36-2.48pm, 4.31pm, 5.20-5.25pm, 5.18-5.22pm, 9.06-9.19pm, and 9.44-9.49pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by james menendez and tim franks) and bbc os (presented by luke jones) include …

“Israel says if they launch a grand offensive on the southern city of Rafah, displaced Palestinians will be moved to what they’re calling humanitarian islands in the middle of the Gaza strip”

including contributions from …

• released kidnapped itay regev 19

• bbc reporter anna foster 

• peace coordinator jamie mcgoldrick

• bbc reporter mark lowen

• senator chuck schumer

• journalist ghada ouda

• analyst eyal ben-ari

• bbc reporter lucy williamson 

• sanctioned settler yinon levy

fares samamri, zanuta

zvi sukkot mk

• activist yehuda shaul

(see also


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