for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘Ursula von der Leyen’

Nh/OS: Gaza 12/3/2024

this afternoon (tuesday 12th), 2.36-2.48pm (partly repeated 4.21pm and 9.51pm), 4.26-4.29pm, 4.58-4.59pm, and 5.31pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by tim franks) and bbc os (presented by luke jones) include …

Palestinian medical staff in Gaza have told the BBC they were blindfolded, detained, forced to strip and repeatedly beaten by Israeli troops after a raid at their hospital last month.

The Israel Defense Forces did not respond directly to questions about these accounts, or deny specific claims of mistreatment. But they denied that medical staff were harmed during their operation..”

including contributions from …

ursula von der leyen

• activist islam abu jazzah, rafah

laura lanuza, open arms

• bbc reporter alice cuddy

• hospital director atef al-hout

• doctor ahmed abu sabha

• doctor amira al-asooli

• doctor ahmed moghrabi

• doctor marwan, rafah


PM/6ocn/Twt: Gaza 8/3/2024

yesterday afternoon (friday 8th), 5.01-5.03pm, 5.05-5.14pm, 5.23-5.27pm, 5.34-5.44pm, 6.07-6.10pm, 10.01-10.02pm, and 10.07-10.21pm, on bbc radio 4 

pm, six o’clock news, and the world tonight (presented by gabriel gatehouse), include …

UK joins international sea corridor from Cyprus to get aid to Gaza.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter yolande knell

david cameron

• bbc reporter wyre davies

• admiral lord west

• bbc reporter fergal keane

jayal najjar, father of amr najjar 10, burin

mohammed najjar, father of amr najjar 10, burin

ahmed najjar 7, brother of amr najjar 10, burin

• activist khaled quzmar, defence for children palestine

salam najjar, mother of amr najjar 10, burin

mustafa abu sway, islamic waqf council, jerusalem

• activist john rees, stop the war

• rabbi jonathan wittenberg 

• activist scott paul

ursula von der leyen

yousef hammash, norwegian refugee council

• analyst aaron david miller


Nh/OS: Gaza 8/3/2024

yesterday afternoon (friday 8th), 5.11-5.16pm, 5.24-5.26pm, 5.30pm, 9.06-9.14pm, and 9.44-9.49pm, on bbc world service radio 

bbc os (presented by krupa padhy) includes, and newshour (presented by julian marshall) leads with, …

Gaza maritime corridor could begin at weekend, EU says.”

including contributions from …

ursula von der leyen

• bbc reporter fergal keane

jayal najjar, father of amr najjar 10, burin

mohammed najjar, father of amr najjar 10, burin

ahmed najjar 7, brother of amr najjar 10, burin

• activist khaled quzmar, defence for children palestine

salam najjar, mother of amr najjar 10, burin

• bbc reporter lyse doucet

• activist jeremy konyndyk

• security adviser ophir falk 

• bbc reporter yolande knell

mustafa abu sway, islamic waqf council, jerusalem

(see also


W@1/Nh: Gaza 8/3/2024 

this afternoon (friday 8th), 1.03-1.04pm and 1.21-1.41pm on bbc radio 4, and 2.06-2.19pm, 2.26-2.29pm, and 2.30pm, on bbc world service radio

world at one (presented by jonny dymond) includes, and newshour (presented by tim franks) leads with, …

“Hopes for Gaza sea aid corridor.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter yolande knell

ursula von der leyen

• activist scott paul

david cameron

eylon levy, israeli government spokesman

konstantinos letymbiotis, cyprus spokesman

• activist jeremy konyndyk

• bbc reporter wyre davies

• congressman brad sherman


Nd: Gaza 27/10/2023

this morning (friday 27th), 5.16-5.19am, 5.33-5.41am, 6.06-6.21am, 6.33-6.51am, 6.56-6.57am, 7.06-7.20am, 7.25-7.29am, 7.33-7.43am, and 7.56-7.59am, on bbc world service radio 

newsday (presented by akwasi sarpong and james copnall) leads with …

Washington says it has struck two facilities used by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards in Syria.

EU leaders have called for humanitarian corridors and pauses in fighting to get aid into Gaza..”

including contributions from …

joel rubin

ursula von der leyen

• hamas spokesman ghazi hamad

sharon lifschitz, daughter of released yocheved lifshitz 85 and oded lifshitz with lung disease 83, from nir oz

• bbc reporter yasmine farag

• bbc reporter reeta chakrabarti

shay wenkert and neba, parents, and tsili wenkert, grandparent, of kidnapped omer wenkert 22

• bbc reporter hugo bachega

• pollster tamar hermann

• bbc reporter wyre davies

gershon baskin

• bbc reporter sebastian usher

• bbc reporter dalia haidar

tarik jasarevic, who

• activist maria rashid, london, from israel


BM: Gaza 20/10/2023

this morning (friday 20th), 1.06-1.11am, and 1.14-1.20am, on bbc world service radio 

business matters (presented by rahul tandon) leads with …

Biden addresses nation, as Israel-Hamas war continues.”

including contributions from …

• president joe biden

• bbc reporter david willis 

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen 

ursula von der leyen

• economist andy xie

• historian stephanie hare 


Today/Nh: Spyware claim

today (monday 19th), 8.37-8.44am on bbc radio 4, and 2.36-2.40pm on bbc world service radio 

today (presented by mishap husain) and newshour (presented by paul henley) include …

“A data leak suggests that thousands of activists politicians and journalists may have been monitored using mobile phone spyware designed to target criminals and terrorists. The Israeli company behind the technology denies it’s being used in this way.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter gordon carrera 

agnes callamard, secretary-general, amnesty international

• bbc reporter joe tidy 

(see also


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