for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘trespass’

As: Student protests

this afternoon (friday 17th), 12.04-12.57pm (repeated 8.00pm wednesday), on bbc radio 4 

pro-palestinian student camps (presented by adam fleming) (in the antisocial series)

“The debate about protestors calling for their universities to cut ties with Israel.

How did the movement start and how have universities been responding?

What’s the history of political activism around university investments?

And what does the law say about pitching tents on university land?

Encampments of students protesting about Israel’s military action in Gaza have been popping up on campuses across the UK.

They’re calling for their institutions to divest from – sell their stakes in – companies linked to the conflict or Israel, but others say they’re demonising the country, and stoking antisemitism.”

including contributions from …

• pacifist hanzalah yaqub, sheffield campus coalition for palestine

“Should the University have partnerships with companies that provide arms to the Ukraine? Well in that case, I think it’s a difficult question, and one that surrounds the nature of what is happening in the Ukraine, and I don’t think that’s something I’m qualified to comment on. My experience has been specifically on the issue of Palestine.”

• journalist nicole lampert, jewish chronicle

• bbc reporter simon tulett

• analyst chris marsicano

• human rights lawyer david mead


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