for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘Nawal Al-Maghafi’

WITW: Houthis

last monday (15th january), podcast (15 minutes), on bbc news radio 

who are the houthis and why are the us and uk attacking them? (in the what in the world series) (presented by hannah gelbart with frank gardner)

The Houthi, a political and military group in Yemen, have been attacking ships in the Red Sea since November.

They say they’re targeting vessels headed to or owned by Israel as a way to support Palestinians in Gaza. Not all of the ships are connected to Israel.

And now the US and UK has launched military airstrikes on Houthi targets in Yemen to reduce their military capability.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter nawal al-maghafi

rishi sunak mp

• bbc reporter michael race


OS: Gaza 12/1/2024

yesterday afternoon (friday 12th),  4.06-4.18pm, 4.19-4.29pm. 4.30-4.31pm. 4.32-4.45pm. 5.06-5.26pm, and 5.30pm, on bbc world service radio 

bbc os (presented by james reynolds) includes …

“We continue to report from the International Court of Justice in the Hague, where South Africa has brought a case against Israel, alleging that it is committing genocide in Gaza.

Today, Israel gives its defence, saying South Africa is distorting the truth.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter sebastian usher

• bbc reporter daniel de simonyi

• bbc reporter nawal al-maghafi

• bbc reporter laura cress 

• bbc reporter tesfalem araia

leo kanz, medecins sans frontieres

• bbc reporter wyre davies


Young Palestinians

last tuesday (13th june), 15 minutes, on bbc tv  

palestinian youths ‘losing hope with political process’ (presented by bbc producer yousef eldin and bbc journalist nawal al-maghafi

Palestinians under the age of 30 have never had a chance to vote in an election and many say they have little faith in the Palestinian leadership.

Exclusive data shared with the BBC suggests they are increasingly rejecting the idea of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

At the same time, support for armed confrontation is highest amongst under 30-year-olds.

The Palestinian Authority did not respond to a request for a reply to issues raised in this story.”

including interviews with …

khalil shikaki, 70, palestinian centre policy and survey research

mustafa, bir zeit student, democratic front for the liberation of palestine 

osama, bir zeit student, islamic bloc 

sally, bir zeit student, democratic front for the liberation of palestine 

samar hazboun, 29, photographer

• israeli arab majd nasrallah, al-qattan foundation

• activist and journalist janna tamimi, 17 

(see also and


Nn: Young Palestinians

this evening (wednesday 14th), 10.59-11.17pm, on bbc 2 tv 

newsnight (presented by kirsty wark) includes …

“The population of Palestine is young, under-14s alone make up 38 percent of people there. Exclusive data shared with the  BBC suggests that they’re increasingly rejecting the idea of a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict … The BBC has travelled to the region to meet a cross-section of this young generation.”

including interviews by bbc producer yousef eldin and bbc journalist nawal al-maghafi with …

• israeli arab majd nasrallah, al-qattan foundation

samar hazboun, 29, photographer

khalil shikaki, 70, palestinian centre policy and survey research

• activist and journalist janna tamimi, 17 

(see also


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