for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘Mohsen Sarhan’

We: Gaza 21/10/2023

this morning (saturday 21st), 6.06-6.22am, 6.30-6.31am, 6.36-6.53am, 7.06-7.14am, 7.30-7.31am, 7.33-7.46am, 8.06-8.24am, 8.30-8.31am, and 8.33-8.37am,  on bbc world service radio 

weekend (presented by julian worricker) leads with …

US hostages released as fighting continues.”

Humanitarian situation deteriorates as fights continue.”

Rafah crossing opens.”

including contributions from …

• rabbi dov klein, chicago

• brother ben raanan

• former ambassador mark regev 

• journalist jotam confino

• activist yousef hammash, khan younis 

• egyptian diplomat mohamed hegazy

tzipi livni

• analyst scott lucas 

bassam aramin

robi damelin

• activist rula jamal 

• latin-america analyst celia szusterman 

josep borrell

mohsen sarhan, egyptian food bank

alexander stubb, former prime minister, finland


W@1: Gaza 20/10/2023

this afternoon (friday 20th), 1.05-1.06pm and 1.24-1.45pm, on bbc radio 4 

world at one (presented by edward stourton) includes …

Antonio Guterres has travelled to the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing out of Gaza, to ram home his message about the urgency of getting aid into the strip.”

including contributions from …

• un secretary-general antonio guterres

• bbc reporter paul adams 

mohsen sarhan, egyptian food bank

yousef hammash, norwegian refugee council

• councillor fida shehade, lod

• journalist tal schneider

• councillor amir badran, jaffa

• war photographer paul conroy

hilary roberts, curator of photography, imperial war museum


Nd: Gaza 20/10/2023

this morning (friday 20th), 5.06-5.5.19am, 5.33-5.46am, 6.06-6.18am, 6.24-6.29am, 6.30-6.31am, 6.33-6.45am, 6.53-6.59am, 7.06-7.19am, 7.23-7.28am, 7.30-7.31am, 7.33-7.46am, and 7.55-7.59am, on bbc world service radio 

newsday (presented by devina gupta and james copnall) leads with …

Biden pushes for more US aid to Israel in televised speech.

Food and medicine run low in Gaza, as aid waits at border crossing.”

including contributions from …

joe biden

• bbc reporter sarah smith 

mohsen sarhan, egyptian food bank

• bbc reporter sanjana tiwari

• teacher zaid medouq

• egyptian diplomat mohamed hegazy

• bbc reporter jonathan beale 

nir barkat mk

• bbc reporter hugo bachega

ayelet shaked mp

• bbc reporter abdel bazir hassan

• bbc reporter tom bateman

• bbc reporter anna foster

udi goren, cousin of kidnapped tal haimi 42, nir yitzhak

juliette touma, unrwa

• bbc reporter suranjana tewari  

• bbc reporter sebastian usher  

• analyst mustapha kamel al sayyid


Nh: Gaza 19/10/2023 2

yesterday evening (thursday 19th), 9.07-9.19pm, 9.20-9.29pm, and 9.36-9.49pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by james menendez) leads with …

“Israel air strike kills Hamas security chief.”

including contributions from …

• analyst jennifer jefferis

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen

gila fenan, nativa sara 

josh paul

• bbc reporter dan johnson 

shira elbag, mother of kidnapped liri, 18

shlomit kubner, friend of missing maayan hershkovitz

philippe lazzarini, unrwa

mohsen sarhan, egyptian food bank

• surgeon ghassan abu-sittah 

• former ambassador mark regev 


OS: Gaza 19/10/2023

this afternoon (thursday 19th), 4.06-4.23pm, 4.30-4.31pm, 4.32-4.47pm (repeated 5.32pm), 4.48-4.59pm, 5.06-5.24pm, 5.30-5.31pm, and 5.50-5.55pm, on bbc world service radio 

bbc os (presented by james reynolds) leads with …

Hamas says several of its leaders have been killed in the continuing Israeli bombardment of Gaza.

Twenty lorries are waiting to enter from Egypt to Gaza, but aid agencies say that’s not enough.

We speak to our correspondents in the region and hear from residents in Gaza. We also go to Egypt where officials say they’re building the infrastructure needed to distribute supplies.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter abdel bazir hassan

• bbc reporter tom bateman

mohsen sarhan, egyptian food bank

rishi sunak mp

sanobel, 16, gaza

• bbc reporter lyse doucet

• bbc reporter jo floto

• bbc gaza reporter rushdi abualouf 

keren and avigdor, kfar aza

• bbc reporter kristina voelk

• bbc reporter andrew harding


Nh: Gaza 19/10/2023

this afternoon (thursday 19th), 2.06-2.28pm, 2.30-2.31pm, 2.40-2.48pm, and 2.51-2.59pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by owen bennett jones) leads with …

Aid waits to enter Gaza at Egypt crossing.”

including contributions from …

mohsen sarhan, egyptian food bank

chris gunness, former unrwa spokesman

richard haas

• bbc reporter dan johnson 

shira elbag, mother of kidnapped liri, 18

shlomit kubner, friend of missing maayan hershkovitz

• analyst jerome drevon


T: Gaza 19/10/2023

this morning (thursday 19th), 6.01-6.03am, 6.08-6.17am, 6.34-6.36am, 6.42-6.48am, 6.52-6.55am, 7.00-7.03am, 7.09-7.16am, 7.34-7.35am, 7.36-7.46am, 8.00-8.04am, 8.10-8.29am, 8.46-8.52am, and 8.58-9.00am, on bbc radio 4 

today (presented by nick robinson and amol rajan) leads with …

Egypt’s president agrees to open the Rafah crossing, to allow up to 20 trucks of aid into Gaza.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter paul adams 

• bbc reporter james landale

• bbc reporter hugo bachega

• bbc reporter tom bateman

rishi sunak mp

keir starmer mp

stephen flynn mp

• journalist shashank joshi

• bbc reporter chris mason 

• diplomat mark lyall grant

mohsen sarhan, egyptian food bank

nibal farsakh, palestine red crescent 

• bbc reporter lyse doucet 

robin simcox, commissioner for countering extremism

king charles

tom tugendhat mp

When people say they want to murder Jews, they probably do want to murder Jews.”

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen

gila fenan, nativa sara 


T: Gaza 17/10/2023

this morning (tuesday 17th), 6.01-6.04am, 6.08-6.09am,6.32-6.38am, 6.41-6.43am, 6.44-6.53am, 7.00-7.03am, 7.09-7.14am, 7.31-7.42am, 8.00-8.03am, 8.10-8.22am, and 8.35-8.42am, on bbc radio 4 

today (presented by martha kearney and nick robinson) leads with …

US President to visit Israel in ‘solidarity’.”

including contributions from …

• bbc reporter david willis

• bbc reporter yolande knell

• bbc reporter james landale

• bbc reporter sean curran

rishi sunak mp

keir starmer mp

stephen flynn mp

theresa may mp

alicia kearns mp

leila moran mp

richard burgon mp

mohsen sarhan, egyptian food bank

juliette touma, unrwa

• bbc reporter lyse doucet

• gen david petraeus

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen

andrew mitchell mp

• journalist shashank joshi


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