for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘John Sudworth’

OS: Gaza 22/12/2023

yesterday afternoon (friday 22nd), 4.06-4.17pm, 4.30pm, 4.57-4.59pm, 5.06-5.10pm, 5.30pm, 5.32-5.34pm, and 5.54-5.59pm, on bbc world service radio 

bbc os (presented by lukwesa burak) leads with … 

“The UN Security Council has passed Resolution 2720.

It doesn’t call for a ceasefire, and leaves Israeli in control of monitoring aid deliveries.

This comes as the humanitarian situation inside Gaza continues to worsen.”

including contributions from …

• activist jacob burns, amnesty international

• huwaida al deramali, gaza

• bbc reporter nada tawfik

lana zaki nusseibeh, uae ambassador to un

linda thomas-greenfield, us ambassador to un

• un secretary-general antonio guterres

• bbc reporter john sudworth

(see also


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