for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘Dylan Winward’

Nh/OS: Gaza/USA 1/5/2024

this afternoon (wednesday 1st), 2.06-2.19pm, 4.41-4.59pm, 5.06-5.12pm, 5.30-5.31pm, and 5.32-5.37pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by rebecca kesby) leads with, and bbc os (presented by james reynolds) includes, …

Police raid a sit-in protest at Columbia in New York and violence breaks out at UCLA.”

including contributions from …

dylan winward, daily bruin, ucla

• activist yasmeen altaji, columbia school of journalism

• bbc reporter frank gardner 

• new york mayor eric adams

cameron jones, jewish voice for peace, columbia

azmat khan, palestine solidarity committee, harvard, from pakistan

• journalist emily byrski, columbia

• bbc reporter nomia iqbal


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