for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Posts tagged ‘Basil Abu Al-Waf’

Nc: West Bank 2/5/2024

yesterday (thursday 2nd), podcast (15 minutes), on bbc news radio 

newscast (presented by adam fleming) concludes with …

“As violence in the West Bank escalates, the BBC have found evidence of potential breaches of international law by the Israeli military, including the death of an eight-year-old boy.

The IDF say the circumstances of the death are ‘under review’.”

including contributions from …

isobel yeung, foreign correspondent, producer, the other war

joshua baker, investigator writer and director, the other war

baha samer al-ghoul 14, brother of adam 8, and friend of basil abu al-waf 15, jenin


TGS: West Bank 3/5/2024

this morning (friday 3rd), 11.32-11.59am, on bbc world service radio

west bank: a bbc investigation into alleged war crimes (in the the global story series) (presented by katya adler, with joshua baker and isobel yeung of bbc investigations)

“Why were two Palestinian boys shot by the Israeli military?

As part of an investigation into the conduct of Israel’s security forces in the West Bank, which has been under military occupation for more than half a century, the BBC has pieced together what happened on the day two boys were killed.

With violence having surged in the enclave in the months since the Hamas led attack on Israel on 7 October, the BBC team also found evidence of civilians threatened with weapons, and increasing tensions.”


Nh/Twt: Gaza/USA 2/5/2024

this evening (thursday 2nd), 9.15–9.19pm and 9.36–9.40pm on bbc world service radio, and 10.04-10.05pm and 10.32-10.36pm on bbc radio 4 

newshour (presented by james menendez) and the world tonight (presented by shaun ley) include … 

“A UN expert says the death of an 8-year-old boy in the West Bank appears to be a ‘war crime’ after reviewing evidence gathered by the BBC.”

including contributions from …

joe biden

• bbc reporter tom bateman

isobel yeung, foreign correspondent, producer, the other war

baha samer al-ghoul 14, brother of adam 8, and friend of basil abu al-waf 15, jenin

yair golan, former mk

mahmoud rostom, khan younis


War in the West Bank

Question: Why is this tucked away on BBC 3? Is it because the other BBC channels refused to handle it?

this evening (thursday 2nd), 9.00-10.00pm (repeated 1.00am, and 1.55am monday), on bbc 3 tv 

the other war (narrated and produced by isobel yeung, investigated written filmed and directed by joshua baker

“Isobel Yeung and a team of BBC Investigative journalists navigate gun battles, combat raids, and secretive meetings, as they conduct an investigation deep inside the occupied West Bank.

What they find raises serious questions about the conduct of the Israeli military, and uncovers a dangerous situation that is on the brink of exploding.”

icnluding interviews with …

• illegal settler shem-tov louski

yair golan, former mk

(see also and


T: Gaza/USA/Jenin 2/5/2024

this morning (thursday 2nd), 6.03-6.04am, 6.08-6.11am, 6.49-6.53am, 7.01-7.04am, 7.17-7.23am, 7.50-7.58am, 8.01-8.03am, and 8.23-8.28am, on bbc radio 4 

today (presented by amol rajan and justin webb) includes …

“The BBC has uncovered evidence of what has been described by a UN rapporteur for human rights as ‘an event that appears to be a war crime’, against an eight-year-old boy

including contributions from …

isobel yeung, foreign correspondent, producer, the other war

• bbc reporter john sudworth

• protester ariela rosenzweig, brown university

sam rose, unrwa

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen

baha samer al-ghoul 14, brother of adam 8, and friend of basil abu al-waf 15, jenin

joshua baker, investigator writer and director, the other war

• international lawyer ben saul

• bbc reporter tom bateman

nidaa lafi, students for justice in palestine, austin

(see also and


Nd: Gaza/USA/Jenin/Lebanon 2/5/2024

this morning (thursday 2nd), 5.06-5.12am (partly repeated 7.51am), 5.20-5.23am, 6.06-6.17am, and 7.06-7.20am, on bbc world service radio 

newsday (presented by victoria uwonkunda and james copnall) leads with …

Israel accused of possible war crime in West Bank: the killing of an eight-year-old appears to violate law, according to UN expert.”

“Protests against the war in Gaza grow in US universities but so does police response.

We’ll hear from a lawyer representing a student who says Columbia University has not done enough to make the campus safe, or to stop harassment of Jewish students.”

including contributions from …

lawyer rafi belabunyan

• bbc arabic reporter carine torbey

joshua baker, investigator writer and director, the other war

• bbc reporter tom bateman

nidaa lafi, students for justice in palestine, austin

isobel yeung, foreign correspondent, producer, the other war

baha samer al-ghoul 14, brother of adam 8, and friend of basil abu al-waf 15, jenin

• analyst sergio guzman, colombia risk analysis

• bbc reporter helena humphrey

(see also and


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