for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Nh: Gaza 1/6/2024

yesterday afternoon (saturday 1st), 2.36-2.45pm and 9.06-9.14pm, on bbc world service radio 

newshour (presented by james menendez) leads with …

“President Biden’s plan for a ceasefire sparks division in Israel.

The opposition has backed it, but the two leading right-wing ministers have threatened to pull out of the coalition government if there is a deal.”

including contributions from …

benjamin netanyahu

basem naim, hamas spokesman

• bbc reporter hugo bachega

• journalist tal schneider

(if you missed them, available from 0:30:05 to 0:39:15 at, and from 0:00:11 to 0:08:50 at

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