for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

this morning (thursday 2nd), 6.03-6.04am, 6.08-6.11am, 6.49-6.53am, 7.01-7.04am, 7.17-7.23am, 7.50-7.58am, 8.01-8.03am, and 8.23-8.28am, on bbc radio 4 

today (presented by amol rajan and justin webb) includes …

“The BBC has uncovered evidence of what has been described by a UN rapporteur for human rights as ‘an event that appears to be a war crime’, against an eight-year-old boy

including contributions from …

isobel yeung, foreign correspondent, producer, the other war

• bbc reporter john sudworth

• protester ariela rosenzweig, brown university

sam rose, unrwa

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen

baha samer al-ghoul 14, brother of adam 8, and friend of basil abu al-waf 15, jenin

joshua baker, investigator writer and director, the other war

• international lawyer ben saul

• bbc reporter tom bateman

nidaa lafi, students for justice in palestine, austin

(see also and

(if you missed it, available from 0:03:08 to 0:04:50, 0:08:20 to 0:11:30, 0:49:05 to 0:53:20, 1:01:40 to 1:04:15, 1:17:50 to 1:23:00, 1:50:04 to 1:58:10, 2:01:38 to 2:03:30, and 2:23:22 to 2:28:30, at

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