for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

this evening (thursday 2nd), 9.15–9.19pm and 9.36–9.40pm on bbc world service radio, and 10.04-10.05pm and 10.32-10.36pm on bbc radio 4 

newshour (presented by james menendez) and the world tonight (presented by shaun ley) include … 

“A UN expert says the death of an 8-year-old boy in the West Bank appears to be a ‘war crime’ after reviewing evidence gathered by the BBC.”

including contributions from …

joe biden

• bbc reporter tom bateman

isobel yeung, foreign correspondent, producer, the other war

baha samer al-ghoul 14, brother of adam 8, and friend of basil abu al-waf 15, jenin

yair golan, former mk

mahmoud rostom, khan younis

(if you missed them, available from 0:09:00 to 0:13:00 and 0:30:05 to 0:34:30 at, and from 0:04:18 to 0:05:30 and 0:32:31 to 0:36:45 at

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