for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Nh/Twt/Nn: Gaza 25/3/2024

this evening (monday 25th), 9.06–9.18pm and 9.24–9.29pm on bbc world service radio, 10.01-10.02pm and 10.07-10.20pm on bbc radio 4, and 11.05-11.10pm on bbc 2 tv 

newshour (presented by tim franks) and the world tonight (presented by james coomarasamy) lead with, and newsnight (presented by kirsty wark) includes, …

“UN Security Council passes a resolution calling for an immediate ceasefire, which also demanded the unconditional release of all hostages.

Israel says the resolution gives the country’s enemies a free pass.”

including contributions from …

riyad mansour, palestinian ambassador to un

• bbc reporter jeremy bowen

boaz bismuth mk

• bbc reporter orla guerin

• illegal settler yehuda shimon

• settler daniella weiss

• bbc reporter gary odonoghue

linda thomas-greenfield, us ambassador to un

• bbc reporter john sudworth

• us special envoy frank lowenstein

(if you missed them, available from 0:00:10 to 0:12:40 and 0:17:58 to 0:22:45 at, from 0:01:08 to 0:02:10 and 0:07:44 to 0:20:45 at, and from 0:35:37 to 0:40:15 at

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