for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Nd: Gaza 4/3/2024

yesterday morning (monday 4th), 5.12-5.19am,. 6.13-6.19am, 6.46-6.53am, and 7.13-7.19am, on bbc world service radio 

newsday (presented by victoria uwonkunda and rob young) includes …

“The American Vice President, Kamala Harris, has called on Israel to allow more aid into Gaza, as hopes for a ceasefire face another stumbling block.

Ceasefire talks between Israel and Hamas are at an impasse, after Israel refuses to send a delegation to the latest negotiations in Egypt.

Israeli officials say they pulled out because Hamas hasn’t provided a list of surviving hostages abducted in October.”

including contributions from …

gershon baskin

• palestinian activist nour odeh 

basem naim, hamas spokesman 

• bbc reporter yolande knell

• former mk yossi beilin

(if you missed it, available from 0:06:48 to 0:13:30 at, from 0:07:11 to 0:13:30 and 0:40:12 to 0:47:30 at, and from 0:07:23 to 0:13:00 at

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