for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

Nh: Gaza 29/11/2023

this afternoon (wednesday 29th), 2.06-2.19pm and 2.36-2.41pm, on bbc world service radio

newshour (presented by tim franks) leads with …

Hopes of Gaza truce extension as more hostages and prisoners set to be freed in deal.

What it’s like to hold your mother, freed after fifty days of being held hostage? We speak to Noam Sagi, reunited with his 75 year old mother Ada last night.”

including contributions from …

noam sagi, son of released kidnapped ada sagi 75, nir oz

• bbc reporter paul adams 

• teacher farida adel algoul, gaza 

• bbc reporter mary oreilly

(if you missed it, available from 0:00:06 to 0:13:00 and 0:30:06 to 0:35:30 at

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