for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

W@1: Gaza 9/11/2023

this morning (thursday 9th), 1.01-1.02pm and 1.07-1.32pm, on bbc radio 4 

world at one (presented by sarah montague) leads with …

The prime minister did not clear the home secretary’s article, in which she criticised the Metropolitan Police for the way they’ve handled pro-Palestinian protests.”

including contributions from …

yvette cooper mp

chris philp mp

paul scully mp

andy george, national black police association

tom thorpe, western front association

andrew boff, am

• bbc reporter chris mason

• col moshe tetro, idf head of military coordination and communication

• bbc reporter alice cuddy

• dentist mahmoud shaheen, gaza

(if you missed it, available from 0:01:26 to 0:02:45 and 0:07:24 to 0:32:20 at

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