for forthcoming uk programmes of jewish or israeli interest

PL: Gaza 15/10/2023

this morning (sunday 15th), 10.01-10.14am, on bbc 1 tv  

politics london (presented by samantha simmonds) (recorded on friday) includes …

“Whenever this conflict ignites, it translates into a rise in antisemitic atacks on the Jewish community here and across the world.

Here in London, Jewish and Palestinian families are living with the impact of the conflict.”

including contributions from…

• bbc reporter alice bhandhukravi

• parent robert caplan

ahmed najar, playwright and director, god’s promise

mark gardner, cst

• parent naomi greenaway

chris philp mp

ruth cadbury mp

(if you missed it, available from 0:01:00 to 0:14:30 at

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